First for Women : I forgot I could feel this good!

First for Women : "I forgot I could feel this good!" Susan Irby, now Certified in Food Healing, shares her story of reaching the bottom and recognizing healing foods were her way up and out... Pick up your copy of First for Women magazine, the July 31st, 2017 edition to read the full story of Susan's health and recovery journey... Do you desire to feel better? You CAN live a healthy, happy, pain-free life! Let Chef Susan and Ward Bond, PhD help you in your personal journey. There … [Read more...]

Dr Ward Bond’s THINK NATURAL Healing E-Classroom

Dr Bond's THINK NATURAL Healing E-Classroom with Celebrity Chef Susan Irby A true health revival is happening! We are very dedicated in bringing vital health information how food will help the body to heal itself. While medical science looks for a cure, the answer is on our plate! In 'Dr Bond's Think Natural E-Classroom' you will learn the important combinations of food, the nutrients in your food and how God gave us this food to nourish, maintain and heal our bodies. Ward Bond, PhD and … [Read more...]

Dr Bond and Chef Irby Healing Remedies and Recipes

Dr Bond and Chef Irby Healing Remedies and Recipes A true health revival is happening! We are very dedicated in bringing vital health information how food will help the body to heal itself. While medical science looks for a cure, the answer is on our plate! In 'the Dr Bond and Chef Irby Healing Remedies and Recipes online classroom' you will learn the important combinations of food, the nutrients in your food and how God gave us this food to nourish, maintain and heal our bodies. Ward … [Read more...]

Food Healing – For Life

Food Healing - For Life For most of my life, food has been a integral part of my being. Just as food is the centerpiece of the dinner table, it has been the center of my life for many years. My grandfather introduced me to chefs at the age of two. My mother was a culinary arts and nutrition major in college and has been a huge presence in how I think about and approach recipes both for my family and for others. She established the principles of nutritious meals in our family by preparing … [Read more...]